Variations:  Please note that the appearance and flavor of Teahound (TH) teas may vary slightly due to natural variations in ingredients and the nature of the growing and production process, as well as the changes in weather. At Teahound, we strive to maintain consistency in quality and taste, but nuances may occur from batch to batch. We appreciate your understanding and hope you continue to enjoy our teas.

No personal or medical advice : While Teahound matcha and teas are crafted with quality ingredients, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Any information provided about potential health benefits is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Individual results may vary. Please consult a healthcare professional before using our teas for any specific health-related concerns.

Furthermore, Teahound or its employees are not doctors or medical experts and the information in this website or anywhere about our product/s is TH’s opinion only and in no way constitutes any health, health-related, nutritional or medical advice, nor is it intended to be construed as such. The content of its website/blog or any other materials are for entertainment and general information purposes only and is not intended as health or nutritional advice or to substitute for qualified medical attention by a professional medical practitioner, nutritionist, dietician, or doctor, or to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. You as an individual are responsible to know your own personal medical condition and the foods you must avoid for such condition or any allergies. Teahound thereof shall not be liable under any circumstances for any outcome or reaction resulting from any reaction you may receive by using our products or your interpretation or adoption of any recipes or recommendation in this blog/website or any action you take as a result of the information or recipes contained herein. Nothing on this blog/website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and we do not claim it to be of any particular type of diet or cure of any disease or for weight loss.

Recipes: All and any recipes we may publish on this website are made in the Teahound kitchens before publishing. Circumstances of each kitchen environment may vary: temperature, ovens, timing, and each batch. Some recipes are more difficult than others; any amount of time listed on any recipe may change depending upon the person making the recipe and their skills, organization and circumstances; it is up to the user/reader to decide if the user/reader is qualified to make any recipe and we are not responsible for the outcome. Therefore, neither the author nor any representative of TH shall be responsible for the outcome of any recipe you make from this site or the amount of time it takes to make it. While we will always strive to publish recipes that use healthful ingredients, this may not always the case in all of our recipes. As such, it is up to you to make sure any recipe and its ingredients from this blog/website are allowed on your diet or good for your specific health situation. TH does not represent the healthfulness, quality or nutritional value of any of the recipes contained herein. We are not responsible for any mess, mishaps, fires on stove or in oven, or accidents while making our recipes.

Purchases on website: We are in the business of selling tea. From time to time, we may add to our product offerings. These items may or may not be made by us. We assume no responsibility for said items or how our prices or quality compare with other competitors. We assume no medical responsibility for said items in the event of adverse reactions, allergies, or any other situation arising from the products we offer.

Photos: We use our own photos whenever possible. From time to time, we turn to and use either public domain photos, or paid stock photos that represent what we are featuring. Therefore, we cannot give you permission to use our photos—you must go to the source to seek permission or to purchase such photos directly.

By using our site, you submit that you understand and agree to all of the above. Welcome to Teahound!

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