Driven by an obsession with quality, Teahound offers the world’s finest matcha from Japan: organic, shade-grown, first harvest, and stone-ground.

At Teahound™, we take our matcha very seriously. It is made from tencha — the only type of green tea leaves that are used to make authentic matcha. All of our matcha is produced using 100% organic, first harvest leaves that are shade-grown. The use of first flush leaves that grow during spring is a crucial part of producing the highest quality matcha because the first harvest consists of the youngest, most nutritious and flavorful tea leaves. These tender leaves also have higher concentrations of the amino acid L-theanine, which gives matcha its sweet, smooth flavor and offers many health benefits. (Lower grades of matcha, such as “culinary grade,” often come from the more mature leaves in the second harvest and have a bitter flavor profile.)

Limiting sun exposure over the tea leaves helps them further retain more L-theanine and produces more chlorophyll, giving the leaves their vibrant green color. This method of growing the tea leaves under shade also reduces the catechins that can make tea bitter.  The result is matcha that is buttery and extremely delicious. This is what gives Teahound’s matcha its unmatched flavor and superior health profile. 

Our matcha is curated by a 10th-level Chashi Master Tea Maker — the highest rank of tea makers, achieved by only 13 individuals worldwide. This ensures that we are providing our customers with the very highest quality matcha available anywhere in the world, at the best price.

The tea leaves used in our matcha come from Kagoshima, Japan. This region is situated near Sakurajima, one of Japan’s most active volcanoes. Volcanic ash supplies the area’s soil with all the vital nutrients green tea needs, including magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. Soil containing volcanic ash also helps the environment, as it can absorb significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.

Teahound matcha is simply the finest, best-tasting, most healthful matcha in the world.

You’ll know the difference when you taste it. Enjoy!

Matcha Health Benefits

The unique combination of L-theanine and caffeine in matcha has a positive effect on cognitive function because it raises alertness and improves the ability to focus. It also helps with stress relief and lowers anxiety. The presence of L-theanine in tea can also counteract caffeine-induced jitters and provides a more stable boost in energy than coffee.

Matcha contains double the amount of polyphenols found in regular green tea.  Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that can help fight the free radicals which damage cells and cause diseases. In addition, the catechin known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (“EGCG”), also found in matcha, has been found in various studies to have anti-cancer and weight control properties.

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